As a concerned citizen I want to bring to your kind notice the plight of people of Y Block, Railway line, Loha Mandi, Naraina, Delhi.After the 6th October demolition drive in this slum, the people here are home less and helpless. I came to know about this when I went there to volunteer during 25th November, 2007 Pulse Polio Immunization Drive.

Government as per court order has taken demolition drive in this area adjoining the railway track in Loha Mandi. This is a right step as government wants to rightly utilize the public land utilized by these people till now, to construct more public utilities for the people of Delhi and also to get ready for the 2010 Commonwealth games.
In this action though the people of Loha Mandi does not have right to claim ownership of the land, I feel they can be rehabilitated to an extend as they are extremely poor.

Details about the people (Approximately).
Population : 8000
School Children : 500
10th Class : 50
12th Class : 50
Dalit population : 60% or more
Identity Proof :
1.VP Singh Governments ID card.
2. Ration Card
3. Election Card since 1995
4. Delhi Administration’s ID card since 1990
These people are facing following problems.
1. No Home to shelter during this extreme cold wave condition in Delhi.
2. Not able to access toilets, bathrooms as there are very few utilities there.
3. Students especially 10th class and 12th class students are facing problem in continuing there studies. Drop out rates may also increase here.
4. Women are facing lack of secure space to stay back when men folk go for work.
5. Old and infirm are worst hit in this cold weather.
6. Impending winter rains may double there current trouble.

By providing following help there plight can be largely reduced.
1. Government can given some alternative land or shelter house to stay in this cold winter season.
2. Blankets etc can be provided to old, sick and young children.
3. Schools can be instructed to take extra care of the children of Loha Mandi who are affected by demolition as there annual and public exams are approaching fast.
4. Anganwadi can be started to provide nutritional diet to the new born children, if it has not been there so far.
5. Monetary help to construct alternative jhuggis and to restart there livelihood can be provided.As government has already allocated significant sum of rupees for the rehabilitation, timely disbursal of the same will help them in there hour of trouble.
I feel the government has to take appropriate action at the earliest as people have been suffering for the past 3 months since the demolition has been carried out. Also similar steps has to be taken in other area along the railway track where demolition has been taken place.This will help them immensely.
Jai Hind!!.Satyemeva Jayathe!!.
Development and rehabilitation in Loha Mandi,Delhi
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