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Murugaram Jayabharathi - Blog - A crucible to discuss and arrive at ideas for shaping better individuals, family, society and world - Welcome!

Friday 15 February 2008

Gandhi's Satyagraha: Solution to our current problems

Satyagraha has simple logic and simple method. It is what we practice with our spouse, children, close relatives and friends every day. When they deviate from what we feel is correct or best,

* we persuade them to understand our view or opinion,
* we educate them,
* we listen to them to understand their view,
* we put across our arguments in a constructive way,
* we protest by blocking them proceed in a wrong way in order to save them,
* we suffer in order to convince them
* we may sometime show anger but not to harm them
* we seek a win-win solution.....

This is what satyagarha is to my understanding in a micro level or at family level. When the same is applied to in a large scale by group of people against another set of people's thought and action it is satyagraha at political level. The basic underlying factor here is 'Love for the opponent and self and for welfare of both'. This only gives the nature and tone to Satyagraha. Only when a person understands the collective good in a demand, he/she will accept it and this is what the task of an satyagrahai has to accomplish by make the other understand.

Now let me list down some of our current problem....

Within India:

* Naxal Violence
* Regionalism in places like Assam, Maharashtra
* Ineffective Implementation of NREGA, RTI etc
* Environmental degradation in various regions
* Violence against Women, unborn girl child, children in general
* Violence against minorities and many more

Across the globe

* Sectarian violence in Srilanka
* Protest for democracy in Pakistan, Myanmar
* East Timor unrest
* Kenyan post poll violence
* Maoist, Madhesi violence in Nepal
* Palestinian problem
* Darfur crisis in Sudan
* Climate Change solutions negotiation
and similar strife around the world..

The issues listed here range from economic to religious and ethnic origin. Each one of them is unique and looks tough to solve satisfactorily for both the parties. But here the point we need to focus is when we can solve this problem we all can live happily.

Here to solve them we need patience, belief in other party, multilateral facilitation, common accepted norm for negotiations and sincere leadership. Steps in this regard can be

* Analysis of the issue in an objective manner by both parties to under stand the root of the problem
* Considering benefits that will accrue to both the parties by accommodation of both parties demand
* Building up support for a accommodative solution, by serious campaign using latest available communication means, individual level door to door campaign, and use of individual sacrifice to convey ones sincerity
* Using necessary force to nullify the armed rebels in order to protect civilian casualties
* Assuring amnesty for armed rebels for acceptance of popular consensus
* Implementation of the plan of resolution under strict supervision of bi-party team of leaders
* Maintenance of the peace and amity through permanent channels of communication

Though the above steps may look general this the essence of the approach that need to be taken in order to solve the present day issues we are facing. If we fail to solve some of the issues of today and leave it for future generation to solve, it can be too late for future generation to exist itself!

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